better 2020 no new year's resolution

Five ways to Really Make 2020 a Better Year

How’s it going with your New Year’s resolution? If you are anything like 80% of the population, they may be forgotten and abandoned already. But, if you’re ready to make real change happen, keep reading. Here are 5 quick steps to get you on your way to a better 2020.

#1 No More Resolutions

First things, first. If you’re still making a New Year’s resolution, stop. Please! Goals are the way to go. Decide what you’d like to do and think about small baby steps to get there.

#2 Quit Something

Whatever you’re hoping to accomplish, there might be a real obstacle in your way. Figure out what that obstacle is and quit it. This will free up the time, energy or money to move on to the next action item.

#3 Start Something

What are you hoping to do? Lose weight? Stop smoking? Leave that awful job you hate? Figure out what the end game is and the day after you write it down, start doing one small thing each day to work on the end game.

#4 Now, Write it Down Quick

Goals are more likely to happen when they are written down. And be sure to be specific like: On January 1, 2021, I will have a new accountant position at AT&T. Then, work backward to add action items on your calendar. If it seems too daunting to take on a plan with full-blown goals, start small. Consider one word that you will choose to live by and focus on this year. One word that will push you closer to your plan or dream.

#5 Plan to fail

Yes, you read that right. Sometimes we get things right the first time. But the mindset of successful people is that they don’t quit. Regardless of how you plan, there will be obstacles just waiting to jump in your way.

When that happens, just work around the obstacle and get right back on track. The fact that you’re reading this is a true testament to my own I’m-not-gonna-quit attitude. I may slow down, but I keep going when the obstacles threaten my success.

Need more motivation to start, read this post about an author who plugged away for 27 years to get her book published. But you don’t have to wait 27 years. 2020 can be better.

Is there something standing in your way? Just get moving and work right around it.


  1. Tam says:

    I embrace waking up before church on Sunday mornings and connecting with your thoughts! Love that you are writing again! Your gift! One of them!!!

    1. admin says:

      Ha, thank you Tam. Your comments make my day! I have toyed around with moving my publish day. But I always think about your reading on Sunday. I’ve already taken off a year, so I dare not interrupt your reading again:). Plus, people are moving 9 to 90 during the week. Most people slow down on Sunday, so I hope the articles serve as small food for thought on their day of rest.

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