Indulge in a Hobby for the Stress that Ails You

Are you stressed, overworked, tired, burned out? Do you have a hobby? A self-selected, self-rewarding pursuit of something non-work-related that you enjoy?

Painting, golfing, dancing, and Juliana’s all-time favorite–swinging are hobbies that top the list for my family.

swinging hobby
Juliana swinging at age one. Now that’s a hobby that’s hard to top.

When we push our bodies and minds to the limit, it seems like the easiest remedy is medicine. Truthfully, a solution for what ails you is at your fingertips.

Today, there seems to be a study for everything and yes, there is a study that correlates with the benefit of more leisure aka hobbies.

More happiness, less sadness, less stress, and lower heart rates were all found to be evident in the test subjects who participated in the 2015 behavioral test.

Sign me up!

I never needed a scientific explanation for the things I like to do. I know I feel better when I pour myself into something I consider fun. When I’ve gone too long without participating in a hobby you can tell. I’m more frustrated and cranky because I rely on that time to refuel and just let my mind be free with something I produce or read.

How would you spend a day if there were no constraints on your time? Yes, I know this is hard to imagine, but let yourself dream a little. What things did you enjoy doing before you became a parent? Before you started working too much? Hobbies provide a release and an opportunity to experience things that make us smile or bring us joy.

I don’t have time for a hobby, I’m too busy

My husband Lamar loves to golf. Our lives are much too full for him to spend endless hours hitting the green the way he did before kids. Instead, he holds out for opportunities that can realistically fit into our schedule—like a recent all-day golf tournament that occurred when the girls were in school.

He hasn’t given up golf altogether, he has just scaled back. By the same accord, I continue my love of good books, sewing, and DIY projects. Again, we have not given up these things we enjoy. There is less time spent doing those things, but they are not abandoned because we have a host of other responsibilities that need our attention.

If it takes 66 days to form a new habit, you could have your hobby in full swing just in time for the stress of the holidays.

changing habits

What are you waiting for?

Reading a 700-page novel or planting flowers may not do it for you. That’s my thing. But everyone needs a hobby. What relaxes you and makes the stress melt away?


  1. Anonymous says:

    Aww that’s amazing I should really get back to my hobbies.. Thank you Sabrina Johnson.. And may God continue to blesdbless yo your family..😘

    1. Sabrina says:

      Thanks so much–I never turn away blessings and well wishes. Please get back to your hobbies–they make all the difference for me and I know I’m not the only one.

  2. […] Need a quick way to refuel? Consider a hobby. […]

  3. […] 8] Indulge in a Hobby for the Stress that Ails You […]

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