Have you forgotten your January goals? Don’t do it, we’re halfway there!
That’s halfway through 2018 and the Bon Jovi song Livin’ on a Prayer keeps playing in my head. If you don’t know who Bon Jovi is or what song I’m talking about, skip this intro and read on. I’m a product of the 80’s and some things are just hard to forget–like Bon Jovi and meeting my goals.
2018 is halfway over. Yes, halfway and I’m still shaking my head as I hear Christmas in July promos. A friend told me she saw Christmas decorations going up in a local retail store. 2019 will be here before you know it. Are you making the most of 2018? Doing the things you promised yourself in January?
Most people set resolutions. But, 80% of resolutions fail by February. Ouch! How is your 2018 looking?

I gave up resolutions for goals a long time ago. Goals are a focus on what I want to do and how I want to get there. I’m giving my year an 8 out of 10 although there are still a few things to cross-off in 2018 to finish strong. When people ask me how I accomplish various things with so much on my plate, I attribute it to my goals. I write them down, I work towards them. That’s pretty much it.
If you feel like quitting, get a boost from my post that gives you three steps to keep you going. In the 6 months left in this year, maybe you can work to do just one of the things you set out to do in January.
There’s still time. Join me in being a part of the 20% whose goals won’t be forgotten this year.
So excited and proud of you for your publication of the book, Sabrina! Your insight and the sharing of it, are making God smile . . . for SURE!
I sure hope so because what a challenge:). When I finally got the book published, it made me realize I could do just about anything AND still take good care of Juliana and my family. I’ve just changed my expectations and learned to do everything at a slower pace.
[…] 2] 2018 Goals Almost Gone, Not Forgotten […]