27 Things to do at Home When You’re Bored

If you’re tired of filling your day with lots of nothing, then, you should try my list of things to do at home when you’re bored.

Boredom can zap your energy and creativity.

Moreover, What we put into our minds and hearts is important. Is COVID-19 important right now? Absolutely. Am I thinking about it all day? Absolutely Not.

Do Something Besides Sitting

The other day one of our neighbors walked by and exclaimed, “There’s only so much sitting you can do!”

He’s right. So don’t sit.

Find some things to do at home when you’re bored. Positive things. Even better.

In the midst of the quarantine, we should all be doing something besides worrying.

Try any or all of these ideas to pass the time constructively.

27 Things to do When You’re Bored at Home:
  1. Listen to an audiobook
  2. Go for a really looong walk
  3. Try HIIT exercising
  4. Fix something that’s broken around the house
  5. Watch a comedy
  6. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while
  7. Have a meal outside
  8. Listen to a positive podcast or Ted Talk
  9. Clean a closet
  10. Discover a hobby
  11. Watch your favorite movie
  12. Add your current job to your resume
  13. Dream about your next career move
  14. Create a “pick you up” playlist
  15. Go for a walk on a nature trail
  16. Cook something new
  17. Plan step 1 of your next career move
  18. Spring clean your house
  19. Clean a junk drawer
  20. Organize the photos and videos on your phone
  21. Play around with your hobby
  22. Remove things in your house you no longer like, want or need
  23. Plan step 2 of your next career move
  24. Organize real photos that aren’t in frames
  25. Start a donation box with those things you don’t like, want or need
  26. Schedule a donation pick up online
  27. Plan step 3 of your next career move

Well, this list of things to do at home when you’re bored will certainly keep you occupied and put your mind on some positive things for a while.

If you know someone struggling to keep their sanity right now, be sure to share this post.

What do you think?