How to Work When Your Kids Are Home

Is there any media source that isn’t talking about COVID-19? I think it’s quite unlikely. And it was probably inevitable that schools would have to close.

While people are out buying ridiculous amounts of toilet paper (today I learned chicken seems to be a staple too), my thoughts turned to all the parents, myself included who will be facing a different type of work week this week.

Our children are home from school.

Working at home with children is challenging. I’ve done it for years and it’s something that I still work and plan for. But that’s the key. It will take some creative planning to manage their home instruction, your SANITY, and work.

I’ve certainly had my share of great days and overwhelming ones when my kids are home and I need to work. But I know someone who does it better.

Lisa Tanner is a writer and mom of nine who homeschools. If you’re looking for ways to make it through a good workweek with your kids, please check out some of her resources:

School Closed for Coronavirus: What to Do with Your Kids Home All Day

How to Work from Home with Young Kids

How to Work from Home with Elementary School-Aged Kids

And if you’re not working with kids at home this week, please share this post with someone who is. I guarantee they will be grateful.

What do you think?