As usual, time has caught up with me and I’m days late with my “best of” post as we begin a new year. I think I’m the world’s worst blogger. But life gets in the way of things like writing.
I’ll be taking a writing hiatus as I tend to personal things that need much more of my attention right now–like family and of course, work.
In the meantime, I’m putting my best-of from 2018 back into the universe. As many do when a new year starts, I take a moment to ponder the good things that I anticipate for 2019. I’m hoping that good things will be coming your way too. And if by chance, some not so great things come, just keep your eyes focused on the awesome and dear things in your life that matter most.
Here’s the top 8 from 2018 and plenty of reading that will keep you busy while I do life away from Juliana’s Journal.

I’m sure it was my 7 year old that made this post and video so popular. Jessa helped me promote my ebook Forward in a way that only a sweet, cute kid could pull off.
2] 2018 Goals Almost Gone, Not Forgotten

Mid-year, I got this bright idea to remind everyone (including myself) to stick firm to goals set for 2018. I haven’t set my 2019 goals yet. Maybe I should read my own post to help me get myself in gear.

I’m always baffled at which posts catch readers’ eyes. I think Juliana’s carefree poses (and not my bib advice) continue to draw people to click this pic. An adorable kid in animal print? I’m sold, how about you?
4] Home, Heart and Another Lesson in Change

What do you do when the comforts of home are no longer comfortable? You adapt and make the best of it. Home is still my haven, I’ve just had to change my expectations to keep it that way.
5] How Big Things Evolve from Little Ones

6] Gratitude Can Even Come from a Forever Family Promo
While it originally slipped my mind, I recovered just in time to do this plug for National Adoption Month. Our life hasn’t been the same since Juliana entered it. Kids change your life when they come. And you change a child’s path when she gets a forever family.
7] A Back-track to 2017 Goodness

Is it odd when your best-of list makes your best-of list? Shaking my head at this one, but recaps always go over well. Who am I to question the wisdom of my awesome readers?
8] Indulge in a Hobby for the Stress that Ails You

I’m glad this post made the list because it gives me another opportunity to hint at the importance of hobbies. I don’t know where I would be without my stress relievers also known as hobbies, and this post encourages fun as the best medicine for us all.
Happy reading and best wishes for an amazing 2019 for you.
What a blog, Sabrina! I can’t wait to come home from church and read each this afternoon! You are SOOOO creative, informative, and inspirational!!!!! Love you!
Thank you Tam! You always make my day with your positive feedback:).