Small Efforts to Give, Serve, and Love Impacts Lives

With the onset of the holidays, our church has an annual drive in which we donate items for children in need in the community. The 3-part campaign is called Be Rich: Give, Serve, Love.

Growing up, my family received donations like this. Now, it’s my turn to be on the giving end. I’m always mindful of the importance of giving back. This is a message I don’t want the girls to miss. The small donations matter.

Loading up…we bought too much, but I wanted the box to be stuffed.

Look at all of these donations. And this is just part of it!

Who knows where I would be without the generosity of others. I’m thankful for all those caring people in my community who were part of a Give, Serve, Love kindness in my life.

What are you grateful for today?

What do you think?