It’s Better to Welcome Fall in a Book Nook

To read the Ebook: follow any of the highlighted links in this post. From there, you can read the Ebook for free if you are a Kindle Unlimited member. Not a member? No problem, you can download the book for only 99¢. Please be sure to leave a review. Thanks!

Fall is here and it’s a good time to find a place to curl up and read–hence our book nook video above. A tiny kids tent is an awesome spot for a little one–not so much for an adult; even a short one like me.

two girls smileWe try to instill the importance of reading in the girls, but it’s just as important for adults.

There’s nothing like getting lost in a good book, brushing up on skills or absorbing how-to help you’ll find in non-fiction works. These are all simple things that can be accomplished with words on a page.

When you’re browsing your next titles to read, I hope you’ll remember Forward. It’s still 99¢ and it’s not too late for you to download, read, and review on Amazon.

Enjoy your fall reading and if you choose to curl up in a tent, make sure it’s adult-sized.

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