Hit Your Brakes for Bumps in the Road

It is easy to resist change because constants are comfortable.

Unfortunately, we don’t always hold the control that we think or wish we did. Special events and big transitions, like the annual back-to-school season, offer every opportunity for change.

If the change and insanity of the back-to-school transition is getting the best of you, you’ll find more tips to get things done by clicking this button:

This week’s sanity tip is one that has come as a long, difficult lesson for me.

Sanity tip #4: Embrace change as a constant. Let’s face it, things are going to change around us. Sometimes a change in a job or relationship is a welcomed one. When change is unwelcome or unexpected–like finding out your kid has a rare neurological disorder, it’s easy to resist change.

What feels like ages ago, I read the bestseller Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson. Spoiler alert, the fabled mouse story in the book is a call to acceptance for those who resist change.

My own resist-change antidote is simple–I’ll handle the change better when I expect it. Say what? When you get in your car to drive, at some point you’ll be forced to slow down or stop. That’s change.

It’s coming, it’s going to happen. It’s as constant as the day is sure to start. When a change slaps me in the face, I give myself a moment to re-group. Then, I look at the positives that the change will bring.

As school begins and we start another academic year, some changes have already happened. And more are right around the corner. I just don’t know what they are yet.

Will they be uncomfortable? Probably. Will I want to adjust, Probably not, but I will. It’s the surest way I know to keep some sanity from changes that are surely coming my way.

I won’t resist change, I’ll just make sure to slow down to adjust and deal with it when it comes.

What antidote do you use to deal with change?

What do you think?