Get Organized for School with 5 Easy Tips

Need to get organized for school? Chances are you don’t have time to read a long list of tips to help you get ready. No problem. There is a better way.

Summer Ends, School Begins Sanity

A simple but effective tip from my back-to-school series is something you shouldn’t do without. Create less-hectic days with this underrated idea that helps you get and stay organized for school.

Tip #3: Make a plan and keep it. Translation– make a place for everything and put everything in its place. This doesn’t take a lot of time, but having a PLAN for where things will go, or how the home/school transition runs will help keep you sane.

End the Crazy

Want to feel like you’re going crazy and can’t keep up? Simply stay unorganized. Our routine is fairly simple, but one misstep is quickly noticed and can make the difference between a good day and a bad one.

When I veer from our routine too much or attempt to multitask, things start to go badly. Here are some ideas to help you get organized and keep your sanity intact:

1) Have a simple routine for waking up and getting out the door.

2) Set up a drop zone if you don’t have a mudroom. When kids come through the door or finish digital instruction, all items should have a place where they belong and go there right away.

3) Start an afternoon routine that is easy to duplicate. For my daughters, the mantra is Shoes, Backpacks, Hands. These steps ensure all things from school get where they belong. Then, we move into the afternoon to get prepared to start the next day successfully.

4) Make a home base/command center. I’ve seen fancy versions of these, but simple trays that hold homework folders and papers get the job done.

5) Think simple and then dumb it down even more from there.

1 Comment

  1. […] a smarter way to transition back to school has been a game changer for me. While the beginning of the year is still a flurry of […]

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