Oops, I Almost Cheated

Yes, I almost slipped up the other morning and made a HUGE mistake. The cheating I’m talking about wasn’t about something bad with work or a flirt with a cute guy. I almost cheated myself.

It’s summer and in this house that means—FULLNESS. Doesn’t that word sound better than busy? I’ve been waiting for the right time to write again now that my hand is better.

There’s been so much going on—refereeing the girls, packing up for all-day camp, summer work. You know the drill. I didn’t do something this month that I always do–consolidate my personal calendar with the family calendar.

Jessa was home from camp, I had a mountain of work pouring in. Juliana was in camp across town. And low and behold I just so happened to notice that I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled. That morning of course.

My first thought—cancel it and move on with my day. Then I stopped and thought about the consequences—taking care of my family is top priority. But an even more important goal I have set is to take care of myself. No skipped appointments, annual check-ups are a must, and time off to re-fuel is a must-do.

So proud of myself that I didn’t cheat that day. Although it put me a little behind, I kicked it in high gear and got to my appointment—not on time but at least I made it.

Are you cheating? If kids are swarming around you all summer, or work is filled to the limit, don’t get caught up in the moment. Maybe if we say it three times like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, it will really be true…

I won’t cheat myself.

I won’t cheat myself.

I won’t cheat myself.


  1. Anonymous says:

    My heart smiled and my fingers scurried to get to your post! So glad you are writing again! Great message, esp for all of you still in the throngs of “fullness”!!! It slows down and is easy to take care of business in retirement! Keep writing, Sabrina!

  2. Sabrina says:

    Thank you sooooo much! Not that I’m itching to speed up to retirement, but I look forward to a lil slow down. I hope it reaches a mom in the fullness like me and we appreciate support from moms out of the fullness like you!

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