Grateful for my family tree

I love the holidays and I feel good when I count my blessings instead of thinking about what I don’t have.

Every year, Americans dedicate one day to a gratitude-focused event. Yes, Thanksgiving. This year, I’m extending my gratitude thoughts throughout the month—not just one day.

Perhaps you’ll join me in finding every day, simple things you are happy to have. Look for my pics with #Gr8ful 4 all this month.

Here’s the first—our Thanksgiving tree that adorns our dining room table every November. Every Sunday at dinner, each family member adds a new “leaf” with a simple thought of gratitude.

As our girls grow, I love to look back on the years that remind me of good times and bad. I’m grateful for them all and I love this visual reminder of all that we are so blessed to have.

What are you grateful for today?

What do you think?