What are We Doing with Our Dreams?

No, I am not getting a new car, or hoping to become a sports car designer.

Today, I’m planting seeds of hope and contemplation not just for my dreams, but for yours too.

The quote and car above go hand in hand with what’s on my mind today. I am always looking for inspiration and motivation everywhere, and last week I found them in my Sunday morning paper and through the Sunday morning guest speaker at my church.

Seemingly not connected in any way, Lyn Slater and Jeremy Cowart’s stories remind me of the possibilities that we often forget—the importance of not giving up on our dreams.

You may already know about Lyn Slater. She is making headlines and history as the 63-year old professor turned fashion blogger, turned model. After being mistaken by paparazzi in New York as a celebrity, Slater started the blog Accidental Icon where she writes about life, community and her love of fashion.

I like to look nice when I’m out and about, but high/haute couture is not a priority in my suburban life of carpools and daily lunch packing. It must have been the striking photo of Lyn in this Atlanta Journal Constitution article that made me pause to read about her.

I was immediately caught up in her story not because of her fashion sense, but because as this woman ages, she has decided to live by her own standards. She’s having a wonderful time pursuing her interests and what makes her happy. Her dreams.

Fast forward a few hours and I’m connected with Jeremy Cowart online as he is speaking at our church. It was not a traditional message by any means. Jeremy just stood and told his story through this amazing and graphically beautiful video. Cowart describes himself as a guy who was not so smart in school and struggled until he discovered art and later graphic design and photography.

Today, he is an accomplished celebrity photography who has been named “The Most Influential Photographer on the Internet” by Huffington Post. Not too shabby. Though Cowart has become quite successful, he continues to pursue idea after idea, and dream after dream to do and be more.

I find that so inspiring.

What is it about getting older or accomplishing a thing or two that makes us give up on our dreams? And don’t say or think that you don’t have any because we all do. Yes, dreams change and some of the unrealistic and childish ones (like my 5-year old’s current one of having wings) rightfully fall away as we grow older.

I’m talking about those dreams that bring joy, change lives and just make things better and better. Today, I’m planting seeds of hope and contemplation not just for my dreams, but for yours too. The ones you may have forgotten about as life changed. The ones that seem financially impossible. The simple ones too.

Let’s be intentional about remembering our dreams and doing all that we can to make them happen.

What do you think?