When it Keeps Raining, Find Rainbows

It appears that the Atlanta area was under a water attack from the sky this week. It rained a lot and I’ve lost track of how many days we’ve gone without sunshine.

Rain is supposed to come

When I woke up this morning, I thought “How do people in Seattle live with all this rain?” I know clouds and the lack of sunshine cause sad moods for a lot of people. But cloudy days don’t bother me anymore. I’ve learned to see the beauty in cloudy days as much as sunny ones.

I took one long look at the drawing and just like that, my summer-wasn’tsupposed-to-go-like-this-disappointment-cloud started to disappear.

My days seem cloudy though when my girls are sick. Jessa was sick at the beginning of summer for a whole week, and now a yucky virus has taken over Juliana’s tummy. It will take her at least a week to get well.

We will have another week of an upended routine. This means halted plans for summer camp. My girls have been sick for two weeks of our eight-week summer break. This is not the way summer was supposed to go!

Then, this morning as I was doing some cleaning, I came across the adorable rainbow drawing featured above that Jessa drew for me months ago. My kid loves rainbows! I have a lot of rainbow masterpieces, but in this one, she added herself into the pic with a big smile.

And so do rainbows

I took one long look at the drawing. And just like that, my disappointment cloud started to disappear. I’m pooped since I’ve been nurse-mommy for two weeks? The rain has taken away some outdoor summer fun. I’m behind with work. But it’s okay.

Like so many in Atlanta this week, I was busy looking at all that rain. I forgot that when the rain comes, you also get rainbows. I had quite a few this week: a chance to watch some movies I’ve wanted to see, some real-time to be still with my kid, and lots of extra hugs from Juliana; rainbows.

This post is for anyone who has, will, or is facing disappointment. Oh, wait, that’s pretty much everyone I know. I’m bummed that our routine will be upended for another week. But I know that things will get back to normal soon enough.

As I’m typing this post, the sun is peeking through the clouds and I just got another bear hug from Juliana. Yep, rainbows.


  1. Celeste Braxton says:

    This just brightened my “cloudy day” Sabrina! Thank you for reminding me to find enjoyment in the days that are cloudy or just ordinary!!

  2. Tam says:

    AGAIN, your writing brought smiles to my heart! I always know I will be nourished in some manner, Sabrina! Love you! Tam

  3. Sabrina says:

    Thank you Tam. I hope you are off to a good day. Then again, I know you are! You are always a light. Thank you:).

  4. Sabrina says:

    And you just brightened mine! I struggled with doing the post because my “cloudy” days are a very personal struggle. But, that is the whole point of the blog–to help bring about a brightness or positive reminder for someone else. Thank you for affirming my decision. P.S. Is this rain ever gonna end? Ha!

  5. […] like last week, when I have to grit my teeth and say, “OK, this will pass.” Juliana was sick. And thanks to a weaker immune system, it takes a little more time for Juliana to recover when she […]

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