3 Steps to Keep You from Quitting

I read an article in the paper this morning about a woman who got published after 27 years of trying to write a book. 27 years. We all know how easy it is to give up on something after a few weeks into a first-of- the- year resolution. I’ve loved books and reading for as long as I can remember and one of the things on my wish list has been to write a book of my own.

On May 2nd, I get to make that dream come true when my e-book Forward is officially released at Juliana’s Journal.

slow and steady is a real mantra that can help you finish whatever race you’re hoping to win.

The e-book is a first steps guide for parents who are facing their first days, weeks and months as a special needs parent. A year ago, I didn’t think the book would ever get finished. But I’m really proud that after ONLY THREE YEARS of writing, I actually finished the 34-page project.

With the full days of surprises and challenges we face, it seemed like there would be a start but no end. But this is what I learned; when you want to quit something important, there is a way to fight through that. Here are 3 steps you might try the next time you want to quit something that you need to finish:

Pause: Give yourself a time-out to think about your objective and devise a new action plan.

Slow Down: Realize that slow and steady really can win the race. It’s not about how fast the accomplishment is achieved, but that it gets done.

Wait: Decide how long your pause will be. Then, when you’re ready to move again with your new action plan, you’ll be motivated and ready to complete the task at hand.

Of the three steps mentioned above, waiting was the most difficult. Waiting to be ready. Waiting for the right words. Waiting for the motivation. Then, one day after a year of not working on the draft, I knew it was time to move on and finish the e-book. What I originally planned to do in about three months took three years. And I’m totally okay with that. The key is that I never quit.

Well, how about you? What dreams are you holding in your heart? Remember it’s never too late and slow and steady is a real mantra that can help you finish whatever race you’re hoping to win.

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  1. LJ says:

    Wow! You are amazing and I am so excited about your new ebook. Thanks for the 3 steps to keep you from quitting. Something definitely to remember! You are truly an inspiration to many.

  2. Thank you, LJ. So appreciate the nice feedback and you stopping by.

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