It’s a Do-Nothing Day/Moment

Today is an official “do nothing” day. Of course I am doing things–getting the girls off to school, processing my business taxes, laundry, etc… But it is the first day I have had in months to sit and piddle (mindless moving from one vague task to another). I cleared up some things last week to be able to do a few things I WANT to do (vastly different from what I MUST do). I can’t explain how much I enjoy these rare moments of nothingness. For me, it’s like a reset button and almost as tranquil as relaxing at the beach. I took the pic above from a beach chair in St. Croix last November. Yes, I’m sitting at my laptop now, but my thoughts are of sun and sand. If I try hard enough, I think I can feel the warmth on my face. Okay, back to reality now. Big sigh.

What moments of nothingness help you reset?

What do you think?