On Saying Goodbye to Summer 2014

I can’t believe that school started last week and we are now back into the throws of carpool, lunches and tight schedules. Where did summer go?

I also can’t believe that I had to stop writing for the last several weeks because something had to give. Things got a little nuts and I went on auto-pilot to coast until this week.

And while I was a little upset with myself at first, I am re-training my brain to know that it is perfectly okay to alter the course of what was planned; that life goes on just fine when you let loose of some things. Aren’t we always toughest on ourselves?

I’m really happy that school is bringing about some changes—good ones! Whatever Juliana was experiencing during the summer is over. Yes, just that fast!

I am in awe of her quick turnaround, and she has started this year happier and more attentive than ever before. Did this summer really happen? Was all that angst I felt real?

Whether all that frustration was real or imagined, I do know for sure that the start of school signals that a seasonal change is not far away. I love summer and even though there were some rough patches, I will miss little treasures like these…

The ability to have fresh peach lemonade.

photo(12)Seeing the bloom of the caladiums on my front porch as I sat for quiet time.

caladiumsSweet moments of library play when there was no fighting between the girls.

photo(14)But in trading all that, I get shots like this—Juliana enjoying a spot of tea during a drive home from a productive day at Pre-K. 

jules in carYes, some things are just priceless.



  1. Ashlie says:

    I am so happy the school year is off to a great start! Love the pics!!!

  2. Sabrina says:

    Yes, we are starting strong. We had a rocky summer so we are ready for a great fall. Conclusion–Juliana loves school.

What do you think?