A Picture Prelude to Father’s Day

Special occasions are fleeting and the celebration is over before you know it.

With that in mind, I got the idea to grab my camera to make a picture catalog of our week leading up to Father’s Day. This week, I celebrate the guy who helps keep me from going nuts—and works hard at being the best daddy ever.

Here are some special and everyday moments that just begged to be shared.

On their before dinner walk, Lamar manages Juliana’s meltdown with a quick shoulder ride.

fathers dayAfter getting a new no-spill bubble set, Jessa shows off her bubble skills by blowing some rings for daddy.

fday3Armed with months of practice, Wednesday was a big day for Juliana. It was her first time scooping goodies on her own and handling her spoon by herself from start to finish.

fday4With dinner complete and hands cleaned of any broccoli remnants, Jessa presented Lamar with his very first and official “father’s day tie”.

fday5Juliana sports daddy’s favorite running hat while he gets her ready for the day. She couldn’t resist snagging it from him.

As always, we’ve had a busy week. But I can appreciate it more when seeing special little moments like these.

Well wishes to all the fathers celebrating this Sunday. I hope your day is special, but that your prelude to it has been just as grand.


  1. Lamar says:

    Wow, I am such a lucky guy! Love my wife and kiddos! Grateful.

  2. Sabrina says:

    We are equally grateful and I wouldn’t want to be on this journey without you. Happy Father’s Day!

  3. Ashlie says:

    I haven’t been able to read your blog for a while because my computer crashed 6 weeks before the wedding, and I had limited access at work. I am catching up on your recent blogs. Lamar is a great dad! Hope he had a great Fathers day. Can’t believe how big the girls are getting!

  4. Sabrina says:

    Thank you for keeping up and please don’t forget about us in Texas. As you know, they grow so fast so don’t miss too many posts! Father’s day was great and the day before, he and Juliana went to a Father-Daughter dance. I’ll get that story posted at some point. I so appreciate you stopping in again and catching up.

  5. Ashlie says:

    I won’t forget!!! I love your blog. Juliana reminds me so much how we are all cared for by a Heavenly Father. Her progress is amazing. It is fun to read the updates.

  6. Sabrina says:

    Yes, it is. My favorite has been the spoon action. She is fast and excited that she gets to feed herself. It is so exciting to see her flourish in the simplest of things we take for granted.

What do you think?