Leaving a Legacy Like Granny: Part 1

granny update

Last August a friend from my Break-time for Moms small group shared a story about her mother-in-law’s mother who had been a special needs parent. From the moment I learned about Granny, I knew it was a story I wanted to tell here. After months of trying to get the blog up and running, I am ready to share what I have learned and come to admire about this remarkable woman.

As we welcome in Women’s History Month, it seemed like the right time to share the life of a local special needs pioneer whose roots and legacy have touched my heart. So March will be a blog series in which I will highlight the life and work of Bertha “Granny” Mabry; striving to plant the seed that we can all give meaning to work and life and leave a legacy like Granny.

Who graduates from high school at 15? Well in this case, Granny did. That should already give a glimpse into the level of intelligence of this woman. She went on to get her first college degree at 18, and secured her first teaching job at 19. Ummm, I can hardly remember what I was doing at 15. But, I know for sure around 19, I was trying to get myself together and figure out how to pass college algebra. But, at 19, Granny had already started her career and was beginning her life as an educator…

Next week, I’ll share how the birth of Granny’s last son changed the course of her life forever.


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